Tuesday, March 29, 2016

How to upload videos to youtube?

To send (upload) videos to youtube, we must first login. If we already have the email from google (gmail), username and password can we use to login (login with your Google account), if you have not got we should register first (Sign Up) on youtube to get a username and password.
Steps to register an account on Google (gmail)
·         Open http://mail.google.com
·         Click the button Signup or Create an account

·         Fill in all the boxes on a form below:
At the time of filling password, create a password with a combination of alphabets and numbers. Google typically will decline when we enter the password that has a weak password strength, password complexity complicated try.

·         Once all the boxes in the content, click the button I accept. Create my account.
·         When the registration process is successful, the page will appear as below:

·         Click the button >> Show me my account, if we want to get into our email page.
Step-by-step list of accounts on Youtube

·         To register on youtube, we just go to youtube website http://youtube.com
·         First try to sign in with a Google account that we have made above. If you can not log in, click the button Make me a new account

·         Fill out a form like this
- Fill Your current email address to the email address that we created above
- Fill in Password with the same password with the password for the email in the above,

·         If successful it will appear as below:

·         For the lazy to sign up for failing to continue but would like to try uploading videos, already I buatin account please log in youtube with Username: example2016 and Password: example2016 (Now it can no longer be using that login because there are people who are not responsible replace the password). This account was created for anyone who wants to try out how to upload a video on youtube. If it can be expected to make your own account, so privacy is maintained.

Steps to upload video
·         Visit www.youtube.com and log in with the username and password you got.
·         Click the "Upload" button, as shown below, then on the next page click the Upload Video button and select the video that we will upload to youtube.

·         Click the Upload Video button if we want to upload an existing video or click the link Record from webcam when we want to record directly using a webcam and the results are immediately uploaded on youtube

·         Once we determine the video to be uploaded, the next window (Video File Upload), enter some information related to our videos, bleak Title (video title), Description (a description of the video), tags (keywords to facilitate our videos found search engine [search engines]), category (select our video category).
·         Then on the Privacy selection of 3 options that we can choose, namely:
1.       Public (anyone can search for and view recommended), select this when we upload the video to be viewed by anyone and will be shown on youtube playlist and can be searched by search engines.
2.       Unlisted (anyone with the link can view), select this if we want only certain people can see our video by providing the video link us to the person you want, but be limited to 50 people and the person does not need to have an account in youtube. This option can we change if we want to Private option.
3.       Private, almost the same as point 2, but for our video link Private option can only be given to people who already have an account on youtube. This option is permanently unable to be changed again to a different option.

·         Sharing options will be filled automatically after the success of our video uploads.
1.       URL (we upload video link, this link we can give to other people to see the videos that we upload, especially when we select the Unlisted or Private)
2.       Embed (a script that we can inject into our website (if have), so the video that has been uploaded to be shown on our website)

·         After all stuffed we just click the Save Changes button.
·         If there is still not clear please click the Help facility in youtube.